Counting Caterpillars

COunting Caterpillar (7)

Ever since our Number Crate arrived from Koala Crate, Travis can’t get enough of counting anything and everything – magnets on the fridge, berries in his bowl, chairs in a waiting room. These adorable fuzzy caterpillars let us have crafty fun with his interest!

While he napped, I cut out “caterpillars” from poster board, increasingly long in length. The caterpillars can then be numbered 1 through 10 (or even higher, although we only went up to 6, because we ran out of pom poms!).

Counting Caterpillar (1)

If you cut the caterpillars from green construction paper, even better! Luckily Travis didn’t mind coloring them in with the help of a fat green crayon.

COunting Caterpillar (2)

Then it was time to make our caterpillars fuzzy. I asked him to tell me the number on each one, and once he supplied the answer, he could proudly apply that many blobs of glue. This part of course was super fun.

COunting Caterpillar (5)

Each blob of glue got a pom pom, until we had correctly filled in all our caterpillars.

Counting Caterpillar (4)

Let them dry and then have fun playing with your furry little friends!

COunting Caterpillar (6)