Mason Jar Terrarium

Mason Jar Terrarium (6)

Here’s a beautiful project if you want to save any treasured finds from your summer walks!

Knowing that I wanted to put a terrarium together, we first purchased dry moss at a craft store, because I didn’t want to rip any real moss from nature. This element turned out to be the biggest hit of the craft.

Mason Jar Terrarium (1)

Travis fell in love with the way it felt – how fluffy it was, the way he could pull strands of it apart, etc. So before we began the terrarium, we played with it for a while in a large bin. Then it was time to add the moss to a clear glass jar.

Mason Jar Terrarium (3)

Next we were off to find other treasures! We returned to add rocks and a few leaves to our terrarium.

Mason Jar Terrarium (5)

A little sleeping squirrel added a whimsical touch.

Mason Jar Terrarium (7)

You could keep your terrarium on display for quite some time. However, ours lasted barely a day before Travis wanted to play with the elements inside again. Back to the bin we go!

Mason Jar Terrarium (8)

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