Warm Cooked Oatmeal Sensory Bag

Warm Oatmeal Sensory (3)

This easy sensory bag is similar in concept to others I’ve made for Veronika (a smooshy texture, great for squishing in her hands), but adds a new element: warmth!

If you have a bulk canister of oatmeal, just whip up an extra big batch. I prepared 4 cups of oatmeal and divided it among two bags.

I added blue food coloring to one just for fun, but there’s no need. Other than that, I simply sealed the bags and gave them to Veronika.

Warm Oatmeal Sensory (2)

“Hot!” she said, and also signed the word for it. I took the moment to reinforce the word and sign for “warm”, to differentiate the temperature for her. She soon was happily smooshing fingers into the bags, rearranging them, lifting them up to test how heavy they were, and otherwise having a grand time.

Warm Oatmeal Sensory (4)

I caught her trying to run away with them, my imp!

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Once back in the kitchen, we briefly tried to make squiggles through the oatmeal with fingers or spoons…

Warm Oatmeal Sensory (6)

…but I think the oatmeal would have needed to be thicker for the lines to stay visible. Still, a nice pause for sensory play.

Warm Oatmeal Sensory (7)

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